Milli, Jack and the Dancing Cat

Vagabond minstrels, a dancing cat and a shoemaker . . . classic characters found in many a good fairy tale. That’s exactly what Milli, Jack and the Dancing Cat is – a good fairy tale; however, it has an ending that’s a little different for its day. The basic themes are finding your voice and being brave enough to express yourself.
It was a wild ride to write as the text had a lyrical rhythm that needed to be found each time an idea changed. I changed my ideas hundreds of times. There were a mountain of drawings by the time I finished this book.
Milli, Jack and the Dancing Cat was turned into a musical created by the Monkey Baa theatre company and toured Australia. It was a delight to see everything come to life, especially Milli’s shop and the fantastical bike.
overseas additions
Milli, Jack and the Dancing Cat has been published in Brazil, China, USA and Argentina.
White Raven Book (International Youth Library)
Speech Pathology Australia – Best Language Development Book
CBCA Picture Book of the Year – Shortlist
Commended, Australia and NZ Illustration Awards
Allen and Unwin
First imprint: 2003